Saturday, December 17, 2011

Improvisation--er, IMPROVEMENT!!

Yeah, so I had this image of  character I made up, Xela, in this fancy X-mas themed outfit, since it's the holiday season. I spent a good 5+ hours (spread out over several computer-squirrels and food breaks) on it today, and I got this!

This is a big deal for me because, like I've stated in earlier posts, I completely suck at drawing complicated objects in perspective. And here, I was actually drawing a pose and image I originally had in a straightforward pose and shifting the view to an overhead shot. This was more dynamic~ I'm very proud of myself for getting even a little better!

Yeah. I heard from a sempai that a good way to find any mistakes in your drawings is to look at it backwards, like flip it over and hold it to the light. The new perspective will counter any bias you had while you were drawing, and errors are more apparent. But when I did that with this picture, I felt it was one of the most perfect things I've drawn!

Improvement! YESS~!