Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Day on the Blog

Hallo. I'm new, I'm hungry, and I'm eating that cheese-and-cracker-stick snack thing. Lessee...I'm starting this blog to get a feel for blogging, I guess, but I also love to draw. Or doodle, depending on how you look at it. So, why not make my blog about something I know about? You know, get my work out there...or something.

You can expect a lot of doodles, and a bunch of random things too. I don't know myself what I may or may not put out there...But I guess we'll find out. One thing that's for certain, though, is that everything I post will be 100% me. To quote most books of fiction, "Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events [or any other works] entirely coincidental." Unless I say otherwise, you can assume I did it.

Aside from that, and the fact that I LOVE to talk, I think that covers everything. I'm looking forward to this.


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