Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Base - NOT Shoveling Snow

Hi! I sketched this girl yesterday, and she didn't have any clothes until this afternoon 'cuz I passed out in bed hunched over my sketch book. 

I wanted to keep the frame forever because I was so proud of how I drew it, but I knew that she had to get dressed sometime; I imagined her with clothes on. So I traced the original sketch on vellum paper. I thought it'd make a nice base though, so I'll put it on here.

It'll be convenient if I ever want the sketch again and can't find the actual paper copy.

The feet were hard; and so was the hand, even though 90% of it is covered. Ehehehe...

I think I'm getting a little better every time I draw.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Improvisation--er, IMPROVEMENT!!

Yeah, so I had this image of  character I made up, Xela, in this fancy X-mas themed outfit, since it's the holiday season. I spent a good 5+ hours (spread out over several computer-squirrels and food breaks) on it today, and I got this!

This is a big deal for me because, like I've stated in earlier posts, I completely suck at drawing complicated objects in perspective. And here, I was actually drawing a pose and image I originally had in a straightforward pose and shifting the view to an overhead shot. This was more dynamic~ I'm very proud of myself for getting even a little better!

Yeah. I heard from a sempai that a good way to find any mistakes in your drawings is to look at it backwards, like flip it over and hold it to the light. The new perspective will counter any bias you had while you were drawing, and errors are more apparent. But when I did that with this picture, I felt it was one of the most perfect things I've drawn!

Improvement! YESS~!

Friday, November 25, 2011

PS Painting!!!

Yeah. First post since September. Whoa. I am soooooo lazy. I just ate dinner too...

I painted this girl on Adobe Photoshop last night. I didn't draw anything beforehand, and it's my first time. I think it's pretty good for a novice. I got to learn how to use different layer and brush effects. I used "Multiply" and "Linear Dodge (Add)" the most; I wonder why "Darken" lightens colors....

NOTE: Linear Dodge Add is great for glowing effects. xD
Let's see if I can upload a copy of the file....

Yep. Thar she is. I love the face and eyes; it looks decent even by itself. The hair is...Meh. I have a long way to go. I need to learn to use brushes better...

I love the purple eye the best. I think it's cool how the different effects add up--and how they only affect certain things under certain circumstances. ^-^

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Assignment: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Hey, it's been awhile. But, I finally got a chance to use the scanner AND I drew a nice picture (if I do say so myself).

Here's the deal: I had an assignment to do for a class of mine, and basically I had to draw a picture/interpretation of what came to mind when I read this sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." Well, a lot of the things were plain to see, but I got the idea from my teacher: "...God has many hands" (or something). SO, I sketched this:

Cool, huh? Even if you don't think so (IF you are indeed a person reading this), I think I did a really good job with the hands in perspective. This is mainly because I stink at:

  • A) hands
  • and B) perspective
But then came the fun part (and my fave), *sings in high-pitched voice* COLORIIIIIING!! I really do enjoy coloring my pictures...even though sometimes they look best in pencil and graytone. Here's the finished product:

Title: Hands of God

Ignore that gray bar to the left. I forgot to crop my picture when I scanned. [Edit: I got help from a Significant Other, and now I have no gray bar to the left. Yaay!] All trivialities aside, I think it came out GREAT, especially considering I did it today in about..maybe 6-ish hours, minus the time I spent *squirrelling* at the computer. XD Today was a good day to draw.

...Let's hope that I didn't have to write anything to go with the picture, because I didn't. Really, that's the only thing that worries me right now.

OH WELL. "QuĂ© sera, sera" has been my motto for a while now, so let's see what happens.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

About this lack of doodles/posts: I apologize. I think I've been doodlin' a lot, as proven by my beloved sketch book (-20 pages to go till I'm done with it!!). However, there is a sharing factor involved, and I unfortunately cannot access the scanner whenever I want to. So, a lot of my drawings and scribbles are just sitting in my book, and I like doing a "doodles-of-da-day" thing.

This post is just words, but the next time I draw something, I'll scan it and post it. Expect something around 11:58 PM. XD

Until next time--

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Visiting My Cousin--and Second Cousin

You know how the child of your cousin is your second-cousin? Well, today I got to meet my newest family member, and he's adorable.

We went to visit my cousin (Codenamed Sheri), and on the way there, my brother (Codenamed JoLT) fell asleep. I was planning on sleeping too, since I got up too early for the time I went to bed and missed my necessary 8-10 hours of beauty sleep. However, glancing at my sibling, the artist in me realized that his face at the time would make a great reference for future drawings. His head was slightly inclined upward, which is normally a pose I have trouble with. I could see the way the eyebrow arched and disappeared around the forehead, and I could see the outline of the cheek. He was sitting still, save for inevitable jerks that came with bumpy car rides. I wouldn't have a chance like this for a while (not without being seen as creepy, anyway).

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Day on the Blog

Hallo. I'm new, I'm hungry, and I'm eating that cheese-and-cracker-stick snack thing. Lessee...I'm starting this blog to get a feel for blogging, I guess, but I also love to draw. Or doodle, depending on how you look at it. So, why not make my blog about something I know about? You know, get my work out there...or something.

You can expect a lot of doodles, and a bunch of random things too. I don't know myself what I may or may not put out there...But I guess we'll find out. One thing that's for certain, though, is that everything I post will be 100% me. To quote most books of fiction, "Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events [or any other works] entirely coincidental." Unless I say otherwise, you can assume I did it.

Aside from that, and the fact that I LOVE to talk, I think that covers everything. I'm looking forward to this.
